7 Important Steps To Include To Write A Comprehensive Brief

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Written by OrganisedPixels

August 15, 2022

Over the years, I’ve noticed many clients don’t realise the importance of a creative brief and how it affects the success of a project. It helps us as creatives provide you with the expected outcomes you have for a project. Think of the project as a railway track and we are both on the same train heading to one destination. What I’m trying to say is that this not only helps our creative team but also your marketing strategy and objectives for the project. It guides us through your thought process. Some important elements to include in your creative brief are listed below. [Click Here For A Checklist]

Your Business

Tell us about your business or brand as well as your consumers. It’s crucial to understand how your target audience thinks and feels, why they buy your product or service and what problems they are trying to solve.

The Project

Give a brief description of your project. What is the scope of the project? What is the purpose of the project and why is it necessary at this moment? Do you have a specific timeline for the project?

Goals and Objectives

Write down clear and specific goals and objectives. What value do you want the customers to gain from this project and how do you want your business to be perceived?

Creative Channels

Indicate the communication channels that will be used so that we can provide the expected deliverables.

Brand Guidelines

Highlight your key strengths or the unique selling points you want communicated in each piece of content. List your brand traits and your tone of voice.

Target Audience

Describe who this project is intended for and how they view your brand. If possible, share their gender, age, location, social views and behavioural insights.

Call To Action

This is the final step of your campaign to encourage engagement or a sale. Make sure you have a strong call to action that aligns with your campaign’s objectives.


A well-written and detailed creative brief gives a broad overview of the project and ensures that both the client and the creative agency are aligned with regard to the project expectations and timeline to avoid unnecessary amendments and delays due.

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